5/12開始展開了為期一個禮拜的ORIENTATION,每天都有滿滿的行程和一些意想不到的事情發展。不擅長SOCIAL的我面對這樣的場合忍不住倒抽一口氣,我盡可能地把自己推向人群,試著去接觸每一位認識或不認識,已經知道或是還不熟悉的人;想辦法在短時間之內盡可能地找話題而且不要讓自己顯得太笨,天!這對我真的是個難題。But I think it is how business school works. The first time I feel SOCIAL is really a TOUGH work.

當接觸得愈多就愈覺得自己不足-我的英文-很不幸地我是班上唯三非英語背景成長的人,其他的所有同學不是母語是英語就是在美國念書;若真要非常非常非常嚴格地說,我大概是唯一土生土長學土英文(這甚麼?)的人了吧!!即使是另外兩位被我包含在"唯三"範圍裡的人,一位有工作關係到處travel需要大量使用英文的經驗;另一位則是短期地在國外上課打工過。You see how DIFFERENT I AM! so that means I have to practice English from this second. Okay, I'll try to key in my blog in English. Just check how long time I could survive(?), actually consist to do so.

The first day of orientation is so exited for me. Eventhough I arrived here on 4th May, I don't feel that I'm really in this program until today. I got a  welcomepack from CNI office. Oh, by the way, our dean, professor Chan, told us that we sould not use CNI cuz it's not official name. We are MMH program in Asia from Cornell University. However, I'm happy to have two stamps on my certificates. I have to say I am crazy to collect stamps .

Okay, just come back (jump) --> it's really showon style.

I feel that I AM IN MMH especially when I got the welcome pack and student ID. Especially when I wear my red T-shirt, oh my! I AM a MMHer NOW! from this moment. I mean I got the admission, of course, but I was touched when I got the T-shirt. Seems that easily for me to have sense of belonging since I studied in Jin Mei Girls' Senior High and we have strong connection bt each other. Anyway, it's pretty good and I can't wait for the extremely difficult/challenging interesting life here. 

Regarding the concentration, I'm still confuse about it. Especially when I get information, things becomes more complicated. You see all professors are so attractive and their courses and presentations as well. It is really difficult for me to give up all the chances to learn something more!

Kinda tired and not easy for me to type in English. Will try to do that in future. Hopefully it would help me to improve my language professioncy. Oh~ forget something. I could pracice Korean with Korean guys. It is definitely nice for me since I learned Korean, I dont want to forget all words and senteces without practice.

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