下面是翻自Hedgehog Central的表格...有些看不懂的我就把他刪除了
Classification 物種類別 | CLASS(綱): Mammalian 哺乳綱 |
ORDER(目): Insectivora 食蟲目 | |
Domesticated Species 寵物物種 | African White-Bellied Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris)非洲蝟+四趾蝟的混種 |
Average Life Span 平均壽命 | 3.5 years 3.5年 |
Maximum Life Span 最長壽命 | 9 years 9年 |
Common Life Span 一般壽命 | 4-6 years 4-6年 |
Heat Cycle 發情 | Ovulation induced by male 公刺會誘發母刺排卵 |
Estrous發情期: | 2 - 5 days 2-5天 |
Gestation period 懷孕期 | 35 days 35天 |
Litter Size: 每胎數量 | average 4, up to 9 平均4隻,最多九隻 |
Eyes open 開眼 | 14-16 days 14-16天 |
Weaning age 斷奶年齡 | 5-7 weeks 5-7週 |
Time to remove from mother: 幼刺離開母刺時機 | 6-7 weeks 6-7週 |
Complete Physical Maturity 身體機能完整發育 | 10 - 11 months 10-11個月(我在想會不會是"週"...10個月好像太久了一點) |
Average Adult Weight 成刺平均體重 | 9 - 19 ounces 9-19盎司 |
255 - 540 grams 255-540克重 | |
Recommended maximum number of litters per year per female hedgehog 母刺最適每年懷胎次數 | 2次 |
First Sexual Capability 第一次性成熟 | |
Male公 | 7-9 weeks 7-9週(比較短...果然男性是用下半身思考) |
Female母 | 8-12 weeks 8-12週 |
First breeding best 第一次最佳繁殖時機 | 6-7 months 6-7月大 |
Female fertility ends 母刺繁殖能力結束 | Approximately 3 years 將近3歲時 |
First quilling 第一次換刺 | 4 weeks 4週大 |
Second quilling 第二次換刺 | 6 weeks 6週大 |
Third quilling: 第三次換刺 | 9 weeks 9週大 |
Adult quilling 成刺換刺 | 12 weeks 12週大 |
Adult color quilling 成刺定色 | 9 weeks 9週大 |
Best Room Temperatures 最佳室溫 | 72 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit 華氏72-80度 |
20 - 27 degrees Celsius 攝氏20-27度 | |
Hibernation 冬眠 | Hibernation can be lethal for pet hedgehogs 對寵物刺蝟而言冬眠有可能會致命 |
Sexes 性別 | Males and females should be housed separately 公刺母刺應分開飼養 |
Quills 刺 | Quills are modified hairs, they are not very sharp and do not have barbs 刺蝟的刺就是牠門的毛髮,並不會非常的尖銳而且也不帶倒勾 |
The average hedgehog has 5,000 -7,000 quills 一般而言一隻刺蝟平均有5000-7000根刺 | |
Quills are hard on the outside, filled with soft air pockets on the inside 刺的外層是硬的,內層則由氣囊所組成 | |
There are 2 large muscles on either side of a hedgehog's back to raise and lower its quills and curl into a ball. This is a hedgehog's only defense. 刺蝟的背上分別在左右兩邊各有一大肌肉用以控制身上的刺豎起與放下,或是將其捲曲成球狀,而這是刺蝟唯一的防衛措施。 | |
DIET 飲食 | |
Diet in the Wild 在野外的飲食 |
Beetles 甲蟲 Ants 螞蟻 Termites 白蟻 Grasshoppers 蚱蜢 Moths 蛾 Centipedes 蜈蚣 Earthworms 蚯蚓 |
Diet in Captivity 飼養飲食 |
Dry Cat food 乾貓糧 |
Diet Supplements (treats) 零食 | Insects (mealworms, crickets, etc) assorted fruits and vegetables 昆蟲(麵包蟲、蟋蟀等),各種水果與蔬菜 |
Dairy Products 乳製品 | Hedgehogs are mildly lactose intolerant. Dairy products should be fed sparingly or not at all 刺蝟有一點乳糖不適症,乳製品幾乎不應被餵食 |
Suggested Nutritional Requirements 建議營養需求 |
Protein 蛋白質-22% Suggested requirement - 22% Fat 脂肪-5% Suggested - 5% Fiber 纖維-15% Suggested - 15% Calcium 鈣質-0.9% Suggested - 0.9% Phosphorus 磷-0.9% Suggested - 0.9% Iron 鐵-75ppm Suggested - 75 ppm Copper (mg/kg) 4-23 7-16 3-7 銅 Manganese (mg/kg) 11-146 11-70 5 鎂 Zinc (mg/kg) 20-175 100-190 30 鋅 |
Recommended Caloric Intake 建議攝取熱量 | 70-100 calories per day 每天70-100卡 |
HOUSING 居住 | |
Min. Recommended floor area 最小建議樓地板面積 |
4 sq feet 4平方英呎 |
0.37 sq Metres 0.37平方公尺 | |
Cage Floor 籠地板 | Solid - NO Wire 實心地板-不要用金屬網 |
Exercise 運動 |
Hedgehog Wheel (solid running surface, no wire) |
Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome (WHS) 刺蝟搖擺不定症 |
A genetic disorder that causes progressive paralysis similar to the human form of MS. There is no cure and the afflicted hedgehogs slowly and eventually become totally paralyzed. The disease appears to be carried by a recessive gene making detection and eradication difficult. Breeders should avoid using hedgehogs with any WHS in their family lines. 一種類似於人類的多發性硬化症,因為基因失調而漸漸導致癱瘓。這是無法治癒且最終會導致癱瘓的慢性疾病。因為是隱性基因的關係,所以難以察覺與根除。繁殖者應避免繁殖有刺蝟搖擺不定症基因的刺蝟。 |
Cancer 癌症 |
Hedgehogs can suffer from cancerous growths and lesions to the same extent as other comparable species. Common to female hedgehogs are ovarian, uterine and mammary tumors; and to males, jaw and testicular tumors. 刺蝟和其他物種一樣會受到癌症的侵襲與機能損害。母刺蝟會有卵巢癌、子宮癌和乳腺癌;公刺則有下顎與睪丸癌。 |
Eyes 眼部 |
Eyes can be lost to quill pokes, most commonly when multiple hedgehogs are housed together. Infection is common if not treated immediately. 眼睛有可能因刺傷而導致損傷,大多數的情況是因為同時飼養多數的刺蝟。如果不馬上治療就會引起感染。 |
Teeth 牙齒 |
Tooth loss and wear can occur in older hedgehogs. Weight loss can occur in extreme cases. There is some speculation that an all-hard food diet can cause premature tooth wear. Hedgehogs with poor dentition should be fed a soft food diet to compensate and prevent weight loss. 年老的刺蝟會有牙齒脫落或磨損的情形,而體重的減輕也會導致這類的問題。有一推測是全硬的飲食會導致牙齒提早老化磨損。牙齒不好的刺蝟應給予軟的食物,並且避免體重減輕。 |
Anointing or Self-Anointing 用口水塗刺 |
The act of frothing at the mouth, arching the head back over the shoulders and depositing the frothy saliva onto the quills. Triggered by pungent smells and new tastes. The exact purpose of anointing is unknown. 這是種把口腔的白泡塗在背刺並使其沉積的行為。這樣的行為是因為有新的或是強烈的味道刺激所導致,目前還不知道這行為的真正目的何在。 |